These might look like hand made lumps of air dried clay but they are actually naturally formed rare as F@ck Menilite stones aka Fairy stones.
Fairy Stones are incredibly lucky stones. They've historically been used as talismans, and lucky charms by cultures around the world. Lovers would give them as gifts to their loved ones to keep them safe on their travels. They're also kept in places of honor in the home, and are said to bring only joy, luck and abundance to the inhabitants.
Metaphysically, these stones connect us with the Mother Earth and her womb; they are said to be wonderful talismans for someone going through the stages of womanhood: first menses, pregnancy, birth, lactation, menopause. They bring the carrier good luck and good fortune. They are highly feminine stones, and wonderful for anyone wanting to tap into their own depths of femininity and understand this part of their nature.
Middle back stone (large) - Type 1
Front left - Type 2
Front right- Type 3