A gentle yet powerful energy stone. Balances emotions and bonds the heart and mind.
Embodies the attributes of pure love & complete trust
Kunzite can bring in a vibration of peace and tranquility that is very beneficial if you are trying to release negative thought or behavior patterns, especially those connected with your relationships with others. This stone is thought to be particularly useful for young Mothers and indeed anybody who has the care of very young children. Kunzite crystals are believed to be beneficial for those who are suffering from feelings of panic or fear, those who find it difficult to connect with others, and those who wish to change their outlook on life from a pessimistic stance to one of joy and optimism. It is a lovely stone to meditate with and to place in the home or workplace where it can be seen regularly and act as a reminder to focus thoughts upon the good and positive in life. Negative thought patterns are very often simply a product of habit and many people do not even realize that they have slipped into negative thinking and unhelpful attitudes or use of language. Simply looking at the beauty of a Kunzite stone can halt this negativity and begin to heal unhappiness or discontent that has arisen through unfounded worry or anxiety.
Rare stone sterling silver set