Palo Santo is Spanish for Holy Wood, and is one of nature’s awesome tools for raising vibrations, and purifying and cleansing your space.
With a beautifully aromatic, woody smell hinting of lemon and mint, along with the ability to bring peace, calm and clarity to a situation or place.
Originally hailing from the coast of South America, Palo Santo has other mystical relatives such as Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copal. It’s considered a deeply sacred and spiritual tree which possesses a cleansing energy and healing properties similar to Sage and Cedar. However, Palo Santo is actually part of the citrus family and has the sweet smell of pine, mint, and lemon.
You might have seen Palo Santo in the form of cut-down sticks, packaged together in a small bundle. It can be used like this for purifying your home or office, cleansing your crystals, and in preparation for meditation.
Palo Santo is said to enhance creativity and bring good fortune to those who are open to its wondrous ways.
Traditionally said to be used for the relief of common colds and flu, stress, asthma, headaches, depression, anxiety and inflammation, Palo Santo is also commonly used for calming the immune and nervous symptoms, aiding fast recovery from ailments and illnesses.
Palo Santo works well for smudging or clearing a room of negative energies, or simply for refreshing a room in your home after you’ve had guests or visitors to stay
Price is for 1 intuitively chosen piece of Palo santo approx 10-12cm long